Student Manifesto

The Student Council has decided that the following is what every student at De La Salle School should be doing to ensure that you, and those around you, are able to achieve outstanding learning.


To achieve outstanding learning you need to consider the following areas:


1.  Preparation for learning (homework and classwork and organisation)







2.  Involvement in lessons





3.  Responding to feedback (verbal and written)

What you should do to ensure outstanding learning:



Check Satchel:One and your timetable every night to ensure that books and homework are brought to every lesson

Attend homework clubs at lunch times or afterschool when available

See your teachers about any work you have missed / will miss due to absence from lessons. Make sure you complete it

Make sure the correct equipment is brought to every lesson


Allow others to take part in lessons by not shouting out or disrupting learning

Listen and take an active role in discussions or activities in order to get the most out of every lesson

Help and encourage others to do the same


Act on teacher feedback to improve before starting the next piece of work

Use a different coloured pen to highlight when corrections have been made. You can refer to this later to remind you what you had to improve last time

Review previous feedback to ensure you use the advice given so that the same mistakes are not made again