Behaviour and Rewards

De La Salle School’s Behaviour Policy provides guidelines for the standards of behaviour that we promote within our Lasallian school and provides an outline of the procedures that have been adopted by the school and its governors.  Behaviour standards are displayed in every classroom and around school, and pupils meeting these standards will be rewarded under the star point system.

The Behaviour Policy also outlines the procedures followed if students behave in ways that fall short of these expected standards.

Reward Schemes

Lasallian Stars

Every week, students from a named year group are recognised for being a Lasallian Star. 

  • Pastoral Stars: A nomination is made from each form class in a year group. Using Star Points as a basis, Form Tutors, Heads of Year and Pastoral Support Managers decide who is the most worthy candidate
  • Academic Stars: A nomination is made from each subject area in a year group. Using Star Points as a basis, subject teachers and Heads of Department decide who is the most worthy candidate


The 100 Club

The 100 Club has weekly and termly draws to reward pupils with 100% attendance.


Useful Documents

Behaviour Policy

How To Gain Star Points

How To Lose Star Points