A Bright Future for De La Salle Students

Careers Fair 10th November 2022

On Thursday 10th November, we launched this fair to enlighten our students from Year 9, 10 and 11 about the future paths of work that they may choose to follow after leaving us here at De La Salle; preparing them for later life.

We begun the day with our 1719 society, Our prefects and our Senior Prefects welcoming the representatives into the building and taking them to their allocated stall. During Lessons 2, 3 and 4 we had Years 9, 10 and 11 respectively enter the Sports Hall.

Throughout the fair, students were given the accessibility to explore their future through employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers. This allowed them to become well-informed about the reality of everyday working life. The impact was massive as our students really became in touch with their aspirations. The students here at De La Salle were given the opportunity to ask numerous questions and take part in activities provided.

 Thanks to our wonderful Careers team here, we were lucky to have a wide range of career paths on offer all with their own individual way of guiding our students after they leave us here at De La Salle. In addition to this, we offered a chance to win 1 of 3 £50 Amazon Gift Cards for each of the years involved.

The day ended a success as our students had a knowledgeable experience about what they could possibly do or explore in further life. Our Year 11 were given an excellent insight onto what could be achieved in the not so far away future. The Staff, 1719, Prefects and Senior Prefects were vital to ensuring the accomplishment of the day. This was a perfect ending to our Careers Fair.